Luke 24:13-53

What are you most excited about? 


Luke 24:13-53


We’re sad to say that this is the final instalment of Life Bible in a Year – and we’ve made it through the year! It has been a journey that has sometimes been quite tough and hard work, but we’re so grateful for everyone who has been involved with it.

Talking of journeys, here are two disciples on a journey. They’ve been going along and they don’t realise that Jesus is behind them. He is disguised as a stranger. Can you imagine for a moment, that you are Jesus and you’ve just been to the cross to save all people, you went through excruciating pain and were separated from God to make this happen and to demonstrate God’s love to the world. And then, you overhear these two talking and all they can say is “we had hoped that he would redeem Israel”. They had hopes that Jesus would sort out the political system of the time, but the reality was, Jesus came to do far more for all people everywhere, in all of time. Frustrating much?

So Jesus takes the time to explain it all to them, from the Scriptures – the Old Testament. He helps them to see. They invite him in to share dinner with them, and he breaks the bread and gave thanks, and suddenly they realise this was Jesus. But he was gone.

Food forgotten, they rush back to the city to tell everyone else who they have seen, and then they all see Jesus together. The risen Jesus changes everything – even our way of looking at the world. Will you let Jesus change your perspective and the way you look at things? Because he is the only one who can change everything.


Lord God, thank you for Jesus, that he came to do so much more than we can even imagine. Thank you that you meet with us and open our eyes to you at work. Help us see you clearly today. Amen.


What are your goals going to be for the new year? How can you make reading the Bible each day one of them?

One thought on “Luke 24:13-53

  1. What a sad day, though the message is truly joyful! I shall have to return to Daily Bread! The concept was ambitious, truly worthwhile for the participants, but somehow too demanding for most young folk. I think this may be partly due to the challenge of the early morning rush! If you are retired and are always up before 6, then 30 mins is relatively easy to find! But not if you lie in until the last minute!


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