Galatians 3

How do you respond to those who are different from you?


Galatians 3


We talked yesterday about Jesus meaning that walls were coming down. That people didn’t need to follow the old rules to be right with God. Well, Paul goes even further today. He says that when people are children of God (which means when we have become Christians – we are adopted into God’s family through Jesus) it means that all the old dividing lines have gone. Our identity is in him.

This means that being a Christian or a child of God is the first thing that should describe us when we’re talking. “My name is Sarah and I’m a child of God.” Not I’m a girl from England. Not my job, not my title, but that I belong to God.

What would be changed in life if all the things that divide us were gone – if there would be no more slavery or injustice because of the way someone is born? What about no more rich or poor? No more terrible treatment of people because of their gender? Because we are all one in Jesus Christ.


Thank you Lord that we can be part of the family. Thank you that you break the walls done. Help us to act to bring an end to slavery and injustice in this world. Amen.


What can you do today to make this world a better and fairer place? Why not write some letters through Amnesty or check out some of the work that Tearfund are doing.

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